74 BMW M3 Facebook Marketplace deals for sale in Southern California
Here’s a list of 74 recent BMW M3 listings for sale as of April 7th, 2024 on Facebook Marketplace in California. M3List is not affiliated with all of the sellers Some of the cars you see may have been uploaded by the seller to our website. These are vehicles that we found on Facebook for sale to help our community find cars on the market. Facebook has a lot of great deals that pop up and it’s easy to miss them, so we put together a list of the ones that stood out to me to make it easy for you to browse M3s only.
If you happen to buy or sell an M3 or M4 from our website or from our finds, please consider sending a donation to us here to help our platform continue to grow the BMW community together. Thanks and enjoy these listings! Listings found as of April 7th, 2024 (Sunday morning), please mention M3List to the seller if you message them. If the link to the Facebook Marketplace listing doesn’t work, feel free to check out our website here for more listings and more M3s for sale as well as M4s.
Each photo is linked to the Facebook listing so you can click them to message the M3 owner.
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BMW M3s for sale in California
Thanks for checking out these 74 listings I found for sale. If you’re about to buy some parts for your car, check out this page here to see the best pricing and who we recommend to shop with.