M3List is a service that allows people to send in their M3s and M4s for sale, along with search for specific M3 and M4s for sale on the market by color, year, miles and more. M3List also offers 2,000,000+ discount codes for BMW M3 parts across the internet from factory parts to aftermarket such as exhausts, turbos, interior pieces, carbon fiber, performance upgrades and more.
How much does it cost to list my M3 for sale?
We charge a flat rate of $20 per listing on Instagram, which is where most of our traffic of buyers look for inventory. It helps us continue to operate M3List. We've had many people who send a donation to us also after the car sells if the lead comes through M3List. (Our biggest donation so far is $600).
How do I list my car for sale?
You can visit M3List.com and click “Submit Listing” on the top right corner of the screen. You can fill out all the information, description and upload your photos to a listing. Once you submit a listing, it can take 2-3 days for approval before being listed online.
We have a partnership with Lightstream where you can apply for a personal loan for your vehicle purchase. We have used Lightstream personally for our own M3 purchases in-house. This makes it easier to get approved for a higher loan amount compared to getting an auto loan which most banks will value a car MUCH lower than what the true market value is. You can click here to apply.
Do you help with the shipping?
Yes. We have a partnership with @SupremeAutoImports on Instagram who’ve shipped our personal E46 M3 to us from Florida. We’ve had first hand experience with them and they’ve also picked up and shipped 20+ M3s for our clients. You just have to mention M3List to them via Instagram DM, email or phone to get a discounted rate on USA shipping.
How do I find a specific M3?
You can go to our search listings page and search for your options. If you do not find what you’re looking for, you can submit a “WTB” listing. This is “Want to buy”, where you can enter in all your information of what you’re looking for from color, transmission, miles, location and more. If you find a car through M3List, we ask for a donation between $100 - $500.
How do I sell my M3 parts?
You can visit our page “Listings” and click “submit listing” on the top right where you can upload the information, pricing and photos of your part.
How do I know a seller is legit?
We recommend that you do your own research. Always check for when somebody’s account has been created, find their Instagram if possible or Facebook, make sure that they’ve been active online before for a bit. Do your best research and if you have a gut feeling that something is off, there probably is. We always do our best to sort through the most legit deals and make sure nothing slips through the cracks, but there will always be something that comes up in every situation in life regardless of the industry. We will do our best to help where we can, but if you need more help you can contact us directly. We are not responsible for anything between the buyer and seller besides sharing cars that we find for sale and cars that are sent in.
How do I find M3 parts for sale?
If you’re looking for new parts, you can click our page “Discount Codes” and search for your desired part. We have over 300,000+ parts with discount codes to save money on new parts from factory to aftermarket. If you’re looking for used parts, you can click “Listings” page and sort by category “M3 Parts”.
Does my car also get posted to Instagram when I list it?
We ask for a donation to have your vehicle posted to our social media pages. Once a donation is sent your vehicle will be posted within 2-3 days after, if not sooner.
What information do you share when I list my car?
We only share what you want us to share, as long as we get one preferred way of contact (Phone, Email, social media, etc). You can chat within our backend system inside of M3List to communicate with buyers and sellers.
How do I advertise my business on M3List?
If you’re looking to advertise your business or shop on our social media and website, you can contact us directly at spencer@m3list.com to find out our marketing packages.
Want to partner with or purchase M3List?
If you’re looking to become a partner with M3List or purchase it, please contact spencer@m3list.com